It is my honour to pen a few words to Honour the women in our company, in the context of women in our country and in the world. Women make up 62.7 % of our total staff compliment. When you were employed, you were not employed because you are a woman, but because you displayed the skill, capability, qualification and ability to perform the functions required. The best person for the job was appointed. In my six years at Mowana, I have been honoured to be surrounded by a quality team, who made me stronger by sharing your skills, ability and passion. Your Quality has been my quality, your passion has been my passion, your skill has been my skill. Do not be silent. Share your concerns and ideas. Our company needs new Ideas to ensure a future Mowana. Trust has come through strongly from you the women in our business, not only in Mowana but also in our parent company Pareto.
You lead in many areas of our business, at shopping malls, in our office and commercial portfolios, at regional manager level, in legal, in finance, in office management, and so much more. Wherever you find yourself, be the best YOU. Women can be whatever they want to be. They say, and I quote: If you need something Said, ask a Man If you want something done, ask a Woman. I wish to pay tribute to the contribution you as women make to our society, giving birth to our children, nurturing and educating them, your contribution to our economy and the contribution to the success of our company.
In closing, I wish to quote Jeanette Marais, Deputy Chief Executive officer at Momentum Metropolitan Holdings and CEO of Momentum investments “ I’ve learnt throughout the years, the most important is to give myself permission to be successful. And while we have made significant strides as women in what is seen as a man’s world, it remains our responsibility to ensure that this change continues – so that the women of tomorrow don’t have to start where we started, but take over from where we left off.”
They say that you are too strong – Be Stronger, They say you are too ambitious – Be more Ambitious, they say you are too passionate – Be more Passionate.
‘There’s no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life less than the one you are capable of living “ (The late Nelson Mandela).
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Mr Kevin Roman
(CEO Mowana Properties)